Hillian didn't use to be a cat. she was a not very normal person, but she was still a person. she didn't believe in violence...this was until she was kidnapped and put in a cell with 3 other people.
one was a clown
one was a witch
and one was a Golum impersonator
Hillian was locked up with these 3 people for 2 weeks...this was until the Gollum impersonator killed the clown. Then these 3 people became 2 people. Well it soon became 1 other person with Hillian when the witch killed the Gollum impersonator. After that Hillian saw no other way of getting out other than killing the witch. So she tried but the witch turned her into a cat before Hilian had a chance of even scratching the evil witch.
Hillian woke up in Lilyland after that..